Of course, back to work will also mean less knitting time for me, so posts may slow down a bit as my knitting slows down. Hopefully I will still have time for my craft, but we'll have to see.
Early yesterday after finishing my blog post, I finished yet another washcloth that has been added to my "gift box." I'm on a roll with the cotton washcloths lately. They're quick, fun, and help with my stash numbers!
Pattern: The Windmill Dishcloth
Yarn: Peaches & Creme in Pink Lemonade
Comments: Love this pattern. It was very easy to follow and made a cute little cloth. I still have a ton of yarn left on this cone so you will see lots of Pink Lemonade colored washcloths in my future.
I'm really enjoying the variety of patterns I'm finding on Ravelry. It's been fun to go through and queue about 10-15 washcloths at a time then work my way through them. The nice thing about having a lot of one color yarn is that I get the chance to try out patterns, without running out of my "favorite color." Once I find a few set patterns I like I'll be able to whip even more cloths out and use up all that cotton that seems to be lingering in my stash. I bought this stuff ages ago with intentions to knit washcloths and it looks like I'm finally getting around to doing it!
The only bad thing about knitting washcloths is that after awhile my hands start to hurt from the cotton. I am using a size 8 needle when I knit, so it's not a horribly tight stitch; however, I am a tight knitter and I've been knitting non-stop for the past few days. I decided to give my hands a little break, and pulled out some BFL to spin that has been in the stash since 2008.
I started spinning after dinner last night and was done plying before I went to bed. I did aim for a worsted and got pretty close. I am amazed sometimes at how two skeins of handspun appear to be the same weight, yet one is 300 yards and the other is 150. I really like a tightly spun and tightly plied squooshy kinda yarn and that does eat up the fiber when spinning.
This was 4oz - 150 yards of BFL handspun in the color Thermograph from the Spunky Eclectic Fiber Club. I really enjoyed spinning it up, and I'm thinking I'll make a hat from it after the twist has been set. One of my goals for 2012 was to knit 12 hats during 2012, so I have a need for some nice quality worsted weight yarn. What better than my own handspun?
Finished items means a new count for 2012! Yay progress!
Yarn Out: 86g
Yarn In: 0g
Yards Spun: 150y
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