Well I finished up the ribbing this week and cast off. Both socks were made at the same time so no second sock syndrome for me!
Pattern: Widdershins
Yarn: Knit Picks' Simple Stripes
Comments: It was a great pattern and a great yarn. The only reason it took me so long to finish them was because of a huge knitting hiatus and the fact that they were stockinette. Next time I'm putting a pattern on them! Love the yarn, wish Knit Picks still made it. :(
I'm heading down to the outlet mall to hit another knitting group today. I think I'll take the shawl from 2006 along to work on while I'm there. :)
Yarn Update. :D
Yarn Out: 545g (1571y)
Yarn In: 0g (0y)
Yards Spun: 265y
So far so good! I haven't bought any yarn, and I'm plowing through some projects and using up stash! I have a new found love in shopping from the stash. :)
nice socks, my stash is too big to take a picture. In july 2011 I took a picture of it at it was like 17 kg then :)